Monday, October 18, 2010

Hosts Steve Jobs Mark Zuckerberg for ping pong?

Many will have wished you could have been a fly on the wall. The problem is that wall would have been so all fly Virgin was crushed would have before beyond a Hello got your ears.

You see, the LA Times reports that a tremendously important dinner at the home of Steve Jobs stattfand.Die Apple CEO allegedly invited his Facebook counterpart, Mark Zuckerberg, dinner and a walk.

How would the times to a subject which was during the dinner discussion roundtrip from Ping, Apple's musically inclined social Netzwerk.Vor of launch, Apple said proposed to Facebook about ping but in jobs words, Facebook "onerous terms we could disagree."

Now that would be straight thinkers it jobs tries charm Zuckerberg in a little type by him, a participate little home cooking.

It is easy to assume that all conversations between CEOs are strictly business. It is easy to imagine that two such focused individuals only spend their time would do something, the profit power or profit through power can offer.And it is very easy to imagine that an invitation to the Casa is a jobs invitation at Apple CEO's will is.

I desire, however, you could have enjoyed more exalted subjects as only the ping thing.Here are two CEOs, although allegedly of different temperaments, your thinking focused all on the human experience. By their very different starting positions both in human behavior think ändern.Beide will have not only improve as visionary trends.

So how sad that you have spoken about something so relatively prosaically as ping could.

Speculate why can not I that you talked about a world of permanent 20 percent unemployment and what it might look like? why not a question should me when discussing only who would make the current California greater confusion Jerry Brown and Meg Whitman?Why imagine not one is that talking about love and family and how much of a dork is Eric Schmidt giggled about?

At least I feel like, treated as it is made a movie about you and know that the actor playing you better looking is as sind.Sie certainly smiled at what is it, the media, who every day to write about you.Must have held a long treatise on what is it, wear the same clothes to work every Tag.Sie must discuss the relative merits of sharing and keep everything even discussed have.

And sure, sure one of you must have said: "How about the San Francisco Giants?"

She could even the relative fun of driving a Mercedes and an Acura compared could one even haben.Zuckererg joke about Ninja stars attempts have jobs could use a privacy gag or report he could not two haben.Wie?

Steve jobs and Mark Zuckerberg had dinner and you think everything you did was talk about ping? been not that be something boring?

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